Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis of 2012 RNC and DNC Keynotes

Wordle of Christie 2012 RNC Keynote
Analysis experiment-
Let's see how well you can tackle a politician's rhetoric in real-time.  You and your partner already have your group letter (A-....)  Now decide which speech you will watch/ listen (Castro or Christie).  As you listen to the speech, you will place comments on the speech that unpack the various rhetorical strategies at play.  This means both of you have the same document open and comment on it.  You can stop the audio/video at any point if you need to catch your thoughts.
For example: "Speaker X attacks the economic policy of Candidate Y because ...." or "A weakness of Candidate X is....this is why it is targeted."

Focus all of your commentary energy on what emotions/ideas that the speaker is attempting to evoke or plant in the minds of the audience.

  Aim for a minimum of 20 comments in your doc.

Transcripts of Speeches for Analysis
Period 1      Period 2     Period 9

Audio/Video of Castro via NPR or video via NYT
Audio/Video of Christie via NPR or video via NYT
Wordle of Castro 2012 DNC Keynote

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cool Reads for the week of Feb 24

From A.O.Scott's Review of 3 Days to Kill

By any reasonable standard, “3 Days to Kill” is a terrible movie: incoherent, crudely brutal, dumbly retrograde in its geo- and gender politics. But it is also, as much because of as in spite of these failings, kind of fun. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day- Civil Wars cover Portishead....Hmm

On the search for the best examples of the rhetorical situation from romance movies...Send them along to me for Friday... Scene #2 The Big Guns Lloyd Dobler

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Best Reads of the Week- Late return for 2nd Semester!

Warsan Shire - "For Women Who Are Difficult To Love" from MovingOn & StereoOpticon on Vimeo.

Basic Appeal:  Aesthetic...no doubt