Wednesday, April 13, 2016

TTC Q-H-Q- Love & Spin


Reading / Writing Activity in Response to TTC- Love and Spin
QHQ - Question - Hypothesis - Question
A QHQ will provide you an opportunity to think (on paper) more analytically and critically than you might have had the opportunity to during class. We encourage you to take this assignment seriously and to use it to foster your own intellectual growth.

 Here's how it works -

Q - The first "Q" stands for Question:
            You must pose an analytical/ provocative question to yourself.  These questions may not be 'yes or no' questions, but instead must inspire a thoughtful response.  Questions as simple as "Who did _____?" or "what is the point of… ?" are inadequate and will receive no credit.  Rather, your questions might make comparisons between concepts or ideas between chapters: "Who can we trust as our speaker?" or ""Why does gender matter in this chapter?

H - The "H" stands for Hypothesis:
            This is the most extensive written portion of this response.  You should write approximately three well-defined paragraphs that answer your question"Answer," in this case, might be misleading - in fact, if you come to a definitive solution too easily, your question was probably not very thoughtful.  This space is for you to try some analysis - it is a space for independent thinking.  Points will only be deducted if you do not make a considered effort. 

Q - The second "Q" again stands for Question:
            Obviously, this will not be the same question as the first one you asked.  Rather, this question will be a follow-up.  Any good question, which is followed by a good answer should also provide several avenues for future consideration.  This second or follow up question should take your answer in a different direction. 

This writing exercise is just like having a mini conversation with yourself - except it's on paper and you're getting a grade for it.  In essence, you are writing a short dialogue.  Our hope is that through this type of dialogic practice the skills you employ when writing this response will transfer over into our class discussions.  Being able to converse effectively is a high-powered skill useful not only in the classroom but in life generally.

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